39 warning labels for stupid people
robert-lindsay.blogspot.com › 2009 › 10Robert Lindsay Returns: Face Split Diving Accident Video Oct 08, 2009 · From the very amateurish trilingual warning at the beginning -Arabic, French and English - (the movie was made by a Moroccan man named "M.M. of Casablanca, Morocco" who came to my site and commented but left no further details) to the horrible screams after he hits, to the blood-red ocean spreading in a large area around the 20-30 people ... › copypastas › labelsMODS Copypastas | TwitchQuotes Yes, I wrote a funny paragraph that turned into copypasta, which happened to bring a laugh or a smile to a few people. If you mods wanted that to stop, you could have just said so, there is so much copypasta going on in this chat that I could have never thought that deserved a 10 minute ban.
tvtropes.org › pmwiki › pmwikiContent Warnings - TV Tropes A warning before certain features on Sci-Fi's former Saturday Anime block: "This film includes graphic special effects (or some violent content). Parental discretion is advised." Mostly this was due to violence, even after editing down. Many anime releases on videocassette feature warnings on the box to warn people of content in the program.

Warning labels for stupid people
› saidThings People Said Warning Labels-- In today's litigious society, products need ridiculously obvious instructions. Employee Performance Evaluation Quotes-- Evaluating the performance of the less proficient employees. Bad Predictions-- Famous last words about science and technology. Twins-- Some people have comic ideas about what being a twin is all about. guidetoiceland.is › history-culture › dumbest-things24 Things Not To Do In Iceland | Guide to Iceland While their actions are often simply amusing, sometimes, they're just downright dangerous. Therefore, this ranked list of the top 24 dumbest things to do in Iceland starts by guiding you away from silly mistakes anyone could make and then delves into examples of blind stupidity that you should never emulate.
Warning labels for stupid people. guidetoiceland.is › history-culture › dumbest-things24 Things Not To Do In Iceland | Guide to Iceland While their actions are often simply amusing, sometimes, they're just downright dangerous. Therefore, this ranked list of the top 24 dumbest things to do in Iceland starts by guiding you away from silly mistakes anyone could make and then delves into examples of blind stupidity that you should never emulate. › saidThings People Said Warning Labels-- In today's litigious society, products need ridiculously obvious instructions. Employee Performance Evaluation Quotes-- Evaluating the performance of the less proficient employees. Bad Predictions-- Famous last words about science and technology. Twins-- Some people have comic ideas about what being a twin is all about.

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